Tuesday, November 1

Pre-travel wobble

In the words of Tumbleweeds,


I’ve just crashed back home after a splendiferous weekend in Manchester. The comedy store, walks, meals and first class company made it a corker of a break. I got to see some friends who mean an awful lot to me, and had a weekend of zero worries. I read a very interesting book, the Monkey-Bible Book*, which I’ll post something on later, when it’s sunk in.


Return to planet earth.
  • Delhi has just been hit by three terrorist bombings, 60 people killed. In backpacker territory. On Thursday, I’m catching an aeroplane to Delhi. I am a backpacker…
  • Post to sort through, airline companies to ring, foreign office websites to check…
  • Did I lose my passport when I was in Manchester?
  • Have I got the right visas?
  • What’s a traveller’s cheque?
  • Some people who are very dear to me need to be spoken to before I go.
  • Oh dear! I forgot to take my anti-malarials for the week running-up to India.
  • Oh dear! I’m at the end of my overdraft. I wasn’t sure this was a major issue, casually mentining my financial situation to my Mum and Dad. Apparently, -£2000 IS an issue. (In addition (subtraction?) to -£12,000 of student loans.) After hearing them out, I’m beginning to agree. I have some money saved up for the forthcoming trip, but I kinda thought I had money things sorted out.

I was reading some booklets on mental health today. The words from them that come to mind now are stress and anxiety. I need some SB-205384. I feel like I’m on the verge of something huge, as though life is about to completely change. I feel like something has to go wrong. I really will have lost my passport in Manchester. The flight will have been cancelled. Or I’ll miss it. I’ll get to the airport and they’ll say my tickets are monopoly money. My visa is valid only for the other India that people don’t hear much about. American Express Traveller’s cheques are only valid in America.

I shall reiterate:


* Front cover has bible with monkey on top. !


Blogger Ben said...

mate, I dont know much about India, but I have head some hillarious stories about her. be careful about their cows. the cows in india deserves respective and they are precious. a backpaker hit a cow with his car and got beaten up by people in that village. i have no idea about the authenticity of that story, but its a good thing to know.
take care and enjoy yourself


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