Wednesday, December 28

Narnia as atonement theology beyond the stone table

Since it's Christmas, permit a little God-talk. E~mergent Kiwi blogs on different ways of understanding the sacrifice of Aslan (a symbol of Jesus) in this new film (though I doubt a new-fangled Holywood production will ever better the 80s television dramaticisations I grew-up with). People have many different ways of understanding in what way the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was (and maybe still is) significant. I find many people see their particular understanding as the only correct one, without remembering the potential for themselves and the church at large to develop false and damaging interpretations of a historical event. What happened and why is obvious. Steve does not try to wrap things up with a simple, one-size-fits-all solution, but (briefly) describes the multiple meanings found in the bible and the film. Take a look, it's refreshing.

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