On quite a few occasions during this trip I've suddenly realised that I'm very happy. Usually it's quite out of the blue. Right now the rain is beating hard on the windows - though it's still very hot - and I'm contentedly emailing good friends back home and studying Thai. I just feel good; it's as simple as that.
David Brent (or maybe it was Tim) of The Office explains that in life it is hard to tell whether you're riding the peak of a wave or a trough. He says that you only really know you're happy later-on, when you're no-longer happy - then you realise what you had. It's only when you leave the peak that you realise you were on it. And the same goes for the troughs. A close friend just emailed me saying how the sad points in her life make her appreciate more fully the beauty of life, and I agree.
Clearly these ideas are not always true, sometimes we're well aware of being in a good or bad place, but I think that now I'm in the really lucky position of riding a peak in life and knowing full-well that I am.
Here's a photo from Hat Ton Sai, Krabi, Thailand. This was on a walk with Usa, a remarkable lady who gave me a 2 1/2 hour massage (the effects of which I still feel today!) and Too. Please click on the picture to see it full-size, it'll be worth your while!
David Brent (or maybe it was Tim) of The Office explains that in life it is hard to tell whether you're riding the peak of a wave or a trough. He says that you only really know you're happy later-on, when you're no-longer happy - then you realise what you had. It's only when you leave the peak that you realise you were on it. And the same goes for the troughs. A close friend just emailed me saying how the sad points in her life make her appreciate more fully the beauty of life, and I agree.
Clearly these ideas are not always true, sometimes we're well aware of being in a good or bad place, but I think that now I'm in the really lucky position of riding a peak in life and knowing full-well that I am.
Here's a photo from Hat Ton Sai, Krabi, Thailand. This was on a walk with Usa, a remarkable lady who gave me a 2 1/2 hour massage (the effects of which I still feel today!) and Too. Please click on the picture to see it full-size, it'll be worth your while!
I'm English.
And what nationality are you?
THX for ur answer. And I come from Taiwan.
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