The end of last week greeted me with the oh-so-pleasant news that I need to move house - AGAIN, but by yesterday I had a place sorted. Ironically, the room I first stayed in when arriving in Wellingon will be the one I live in now, several weeks, and all sorts of changes later. So I'll be back with some cool professionals in a beautiful house. Dan has a computer so I can put some photos up at long last, too...
The thought of more flat hunting stressed me out, and my work was stressful. I didn't try to maintain a non-attached calmness throughout all, but was present in the stress and after a good 11 hours' sleep last night I'm ready to take this week on.
And speaking to my friend Richard this morning who I met in North India, who is currently driving around Cornwall setting people up with health equipment and planning the next epic trip to Asia, motorbiking through Europe to get there, dreams of exotic places and people and experiences are whirling round my head again. Hurray for travel!
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