Wednesday, May 31

Illness and death

One person I know has just had major surgery for cancer and is about to undergo chemotherapy. The mothers of two people I know have just recently been diagnosed with cancer. A minute ago I found out that another person I know has just had a friend die in intensive care.

Why is all this happening?


Blogger actionsspeaklouder said...

nobody knows why it seems like everybody u love is dying, or suffering in someway. maybe there is a higher being, a spirit in the sky who wants us to learn from this, just to maybe learn that while it can seem like this shit is being heaped on us, there is a brighter future ahead of us all, and it sometimes takes hard times to make us appreicate the sunshiney days.. maybe things happen to us so we can later benefit others with our compassion and empathy, support and wisdom. It's hard, hun, especially to know what to say.. but at pants times, everybody appreciates just a little comment, or a hug, or a phonecall, just to know that we care for each other and are around when needed. who knows? maybe life has just one big lesson- LOVE.

Blogger kit said...

Thank you.

If "God is love" then perhaps that is the one big lesson.


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