Tuesday, May 2


Thanks for your comments, Neal and Tumbleweeds. After feeling ever so slightly sorry for myself at the amount of work I have to do this week, I was greeted by this story http://observer.guardian.co.uk/world/story/0,,1764531,00.html?gusrc=rss, which gave me a little perspective. It's about children who work in the factories of Delhi and I encourage you to read it if you have time. Here's the perspective:

I have to work 8 hours a day, if it's busy, occasionally that'll be 10. These guys work 16.

I started work when I wanted, at 16. These guys are children and need to work or die.

I have a office with a large window (if it's too hot) and a radiator (if it's too cold). I can shut my door and get privacy at lunch time. I've been to Delhi, and I tell you that a large fan-cooled hotel room is uncomfortable enough, and this is luxury compared to what these guys have.

I get 14 USD an hour, they'd be lucky to get 1USD a day.

So I won't complain.


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