Friday, June 30

Employee of the month

I was greeted this morning by a room full of people - including the heads of the company - and the news that I'd been nominated by management for employee of the month. In a company with 3000 employees that feels pretty good. I've worked hard for them, have introduced numerous innovations, and it's great that they recognise that.

I didn't win, but still got a certificate!

The reception back in my floor was almost unanimous: what have you done to deserve that? Why not me? You've only just got here! You're wasted in your position, they should put you doing what I am... Bitterness and jealousy. Fortunately I've not let them spoil my buzz at this recognition!

I've been having numerous email conversations with a senior HR consultant who has been giving me some informal coaching, and something I've learned is that what is important is not what you mean to say, but how people interpret what you say. What will be the implications of memos and requests years down the line? How would the union interpret this request?

And the upshot is that less is more. I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

always knew there was diamond inside the rough. interesting that it was hidden under years of being nice and refusing to acknowledge the diamond, and had to go round the world to get rough and then get diamind again - if you get my drift. well done, rob


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