Monday, July 24

No more Mr Nice guy

I am exercising my 'no' muscle and finding it quite satisfying.

There's plenty of fun to have here like in any city, but I'm finding I'm tending towards spending more time on my own than with others. Something I'm finding out about myself is that I find it hard to say 'no', dissapointing people (even an incy little bit) is not something I find easy. I'm trying not to make excuses, just to say 'no thanks' when I'd rather not do something. It feels strange but is pretty empowering as my free time becomes my own - to choose what to do with it, not have the choices forced upon me by friendly people.

And now I'm extending it to my job, and am able to have difficult conversations without trying to gloss over or ignore the bits where I have to be the bad guy. I'm even take a hard line on pesky house officers who are being slack and not doing their job properly - no more "well, I guess it's OK, but could you try a bit harder please?", more like, "we're paying you this much to do so-and-so, and so would you please do it" - as simple as that.


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