Here is me, from 12,000 miles up as I awoke this morning:
Here is my view:
I've arrived. My visa was for the right India, my passport was in my bag, my money was real.... So I'm here, in a head-spin sort of way. In the arrivals lounge, I met another lone backpacker. And then, another. And we got a taxi together, all bumbling around very very cluelessly, until we arrived in the main backpacker street of New Delhi. We found a hotel straight away, bit of a dive, but at least I get my own room and bathroom. And it only costs 200R, which is about £2.50. Which gets me onto costs. I just had a tasty biryani, with a fanta and a lassi, for £1. This internet cafe is costing 15R an hour, which is about 25p. Someone immediately noticed my broken sandal, and not only stitched it together but reinforced all the places that are likely to break. For 220R. And I felt that that was a rip-off. This is a crazy place.
The worst thing is that we've found many very friendly and helpful people, and later realised that they were fully taking us for a ride, talking rubbish for our rupies. We're learning very quickly not to trust people, which is a sad lesson to learn, but needed, or I will run out of cash before I even get to Singapore.
The roads are several 'lanes' wide, without marking, one big free-for-all with constant horns blarring and utter confusion. I'm glad I'm not driving! I'm sure I'll enjoy it here, but I'm realising that Delhi really wasn't the best place to start a year's backpacking, it's about as hard-core as it gets. I'll have a look in a rough guide, and see if I can find anywhere a bit more peaceful. Maybe, somewhere in the Himalayers.
I will survive.